Keeping up with the vast and constantly changing marketing technologies can be challenging. We all have day jobs that are most likely demanding, so reading release notes and keeping up with all of Eloqua's latest features can take a back seat. Here are a few surprisingly simple Eloqua capabilities you probably need to start using, but they should be.

These can make a significant impact on you with little time or effort.

Want a bonus fifth? Dig into custom data objects!

Contact Washing on your Campaign Canvas

While there’s definitely something to be said for the uber-washing programs that can be built out in Program Builder, one of the newest features to hit the application is the ability to install the Contact Washing Machine App and leverage it on your campaign canvas. With the app, you can define one or more contact fields as inputs, then run actions such as trim, concatenate and adjust case (proper-case or lowercase).

The data can then be mapped back to that same field, or a separate field. Talk about easy to use!  You can install it inline your campaigns to do data validation right before you leverage the data in an email too!

Page Tagging

This is an oldie but a goodie, page tags have been around since the dawn of Eloqua. They are a simple way to affix a given “tag” or “name” to a web property.

We love to use these on larger more complex site maps to tag all the pages for a specific region, product line or business unit.  The beautiful thing is that you don’t have to have a single page tag to a page AND you can group pages into page tag groups. Super valuable tool for segmentation, lead scoring and database filtering.

Email Frequency Report

This is my personal favorite. In most cases no matter who the client is, how big the company is, or what they do, most people do not have a formal process for governing how many emails a single contact receives. One of the first things I do when reviewing a new contact is check out this report.

The Email Frequency Report is a great way to understand how often your database receives emails. It breaks down a few timeframes and tells you how often and how many people have gotten emails. You can see whether you’re over-communicating with specific audiences. It also gives you a place to start digging in your filters/segments to manipulate the number of emails sent.

It’s super easy to find: open "Insight," navigate to "Reports and Dashboards" (out of the box reports, not custom ones), then Contacts and it’s one of the options.

A/B Testing Simple Campaigns

This too has been around for a little while but I’m always surprised by how underutilized this feature is. If you’re diving into testing for the first time (or not testing yet *gasp!*) this is a great way to dip your toe in the pool first. A/B Testing options can be found under your simple campaigns.

You simply grab your segment and your two emails and then determine your testing parameters.

Related: Why A/B is testing important?

These are a few of our favorite Eloqua capabilities around here. What are your favorite (often underutilized) features?

So, what next?

  • Dig into Custom Data Objects and how to use them for better Salesforce data!
  • Want a systems health check, or maybe a helping hand? Our Eloqua consulting is flexible to whatever you may be looking for!